Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DiGi-Masters Summer Developments

This UK summer has been terrible for weather but not terrible for our developments!

is now fully fuctional and available to all - we have also been working on adpating this system for other financial uses aswell as loans, we have been working with Advice On Money to create a system for equity release related finance. We have implemented much more functionality to the system and have restructured the system code so that we can now create secure case tracking for any type of case removing the financial sector limitations we had before.

Other areas we have been working with are further property related companies expanding our experience in the property web site field (of course these sites are all dynamic, database driven sites with complete control for the clients). A new field we are currently dealing with is used car sales - the project is far too sensitive for me to give any more details that this though! Webshare-Telecare.com is another site we have created recently expanding our expertise and contacts in the public sector, specifically with telecare and disability related.

I could go on all day with more information but will leave it at that!

George Lloyd.
DiGi-Masters.com Partner