Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Is Here (Almost!)

Hi All,

Summer is officially here and everyone is off on their holidays, lucky them! We at DiGi-Masters have been busy as usual since the new tax year took effect and have been working on a couple of large & complex sites plus the usual work for existing clients.

As some of our clients may know there are 2 equal partners who own, one lives in Wolverley and the other in Cofton Hackett. The Wolverley website is fairly well established and we felt that Cofton Hackett also deserved a village website, we just need to find the time and information to populate it!

Other work we have been spending our time on has been the development of a web based email marketing system, we have unsurprisingly named it "DiGi-Mails", this system is fully working but could do with some final tweaks and testing before we unleash it. Please note that this is not a spam tool - we despise spam as much as everyone and do not wish to contribute to it, this system is for our existing and future clients to send directed email marketing to their existing clients. We have also spent a decent chunk of time on our secure case tracking system - DiGi-SecureTrak - which is becoming an increasingly feature packed system without becoming complicated to use as many other systems can do when they have as many features as this does.


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