Friday, November 12, 2010

Topical So Why Not, IPv6 Bandwagon

Check out the new widget on the right of this page, thanks to recent media coverage there will be MDs all over the country panicking and asking their IT staff questions they can't answer (in layman's terms anyway!). IPv4 is running out - we've known that for years and years but now it really is running out, a recent milestone showed that there are no large blocks of IPv4 addresses left.

Here at DiGi-Masters we will ensure that we are on the ball with this one, we already have IPv6 equipment and most of our servers already have IPv6 addresses - albeit local ones, a public IPv6 address isn't easy to come by at the moment in the UK!

Just to confirm to you all out there, when the IPv4 addresses run out it doesn't mean the Internet stops working, it will continue to work exactly as it does now. What it does mean is that there will be no unique addresses for service providers to provide to their customers - forcing them to start giving out IPv6 ones. If you are just a standard Internet user with no technical interest then don't worry about it, you wont notice any difference - all the IT workers around the country will though!!


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