Monday, August 19, 2013

A little siesta..

Hi All,

    Ok, so it's been about 2 years since the last blog post, that doesn't mean that we've been sleeping - quite the opposite and the blog suffered. Let's face it - it's not the most riveting of blogs anyway! We'll try to steer it back on track and post some quarterly news for anyone that is looking.

    Right, so what's happening..  we've got a couple of new servers in our arsenal, both using SPDY on HTTPS sites, which offers vast speed improvements especially on mobile devices and slow connections. With a dedicated server manager we are able provide services like these that many general web hosts cannot or will not consider. We also now utilise two Raspberry Pi machines - they really are fantastic bits of kit for their price and while not suitable for fast paced high demand server tasks they make excellent servers for more mundane tasks. Personally their largest benefit is Eco-friendliness - with such low power usage they don't cost the earth to run.

    Websites, that is what we do, many have been built and upgraded since our last post, complete costumes - costume hire had an overhaul and one soon to go live is, we've also made a lot of improvements to our financial case tracking system and also our email marketing solution though both need some work doing on their websites!

    Other news, Bitcoins! Wow! Have they made it to the public eye or what! Four years ago the currency was born, the genesis block they call it, today it stands at almost £1billion worth of coins in use. If only we were a bit earlier in adopting it, some people and some companies have done very well by having faith in the system. After much research, we too have complete faith in the system as a viable worldwide currency void of any government ties - allowing it to be a truly free currency, the people's currency. We accept Bitcoins. We own Bitcoins. We assist in the running of the Bitcoin system (they call that mining).

That's all for now folks.. LLP.  (oh yes! we are also now an LLP, company number OC373865)

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